Monday 20 June 2016

How To Pack Your Winter Clothes And Prepare For Summers?

With warm summers approaching and hopefully the weather really picking up, we are looking forward for exciting things .For me the impending wardrobe clearout approaches, making way for summer, whilst I (finally) pack away autumn and winter.

Let’s be honest, the weather can be erratic so I don’t intend to put all my winter woollies away ( I leave 1 or 2 out), but I’d like to make some space .

So how to go about this task? How do I best preserve my winter clothing in terms of packing and storage in Haringey.
  • It may seem obvious but cleaning our clothes is essential. I don’t want to pack away a jumper only to find in another 7 to 8 months there is a huge stain on it. Wash and dry your clothes thoroughly to ensure longevity in the packing and safe keeping of your clothing.
  • In all honesty, this is also a good time to get rid of something that has had its day – no need to keep that sweater with holes all over it for another rainy day.
  • There are lots of ways to pack and store clothing. Personally, I prefer to put them in an unused suitcase or vacuum pack bags (they save vast amount of space) which can be stored in a cool dry place.
  • Moth balls can be used for storing clothes but cedar blocks or lavender filled bags smell so much better.
  • Remember to allow space for your clothing to breathe without letting in room for trapped moisture – which will essentially ruin them. Heavier items can be hung, but on plastic or wood hangers ( no metal which aids in distortion of clothing) and covered in garment bags if you choose.
  • Keep clothing in a cool dry place as mentioned before. Make sure the area is s clean or not easily exposed to heat, and somewhere dark means a lesser risk of fading. Also, remember that wetness will attract insects and mildew so being dry is a must.
  • The same can be done for larger duvets and blankets as the weather picks up in the summer ( I hope).
Once in a while, I like to check on my clothing. Hopefully, by following the above tips they will stay in good condition, but it may be an idea to check or give them an air on a hot sunny day.